Ways to Improve at Interviewing

Muhammad Babangida
3 min readJan 5, 2023


Your first interview is crucial to show off your skills and experience. It can either move you toward a more prominent position in the organization or knock you out of the race.

Even small details can make a big difference in how potential employers perceive you.

Make sure you dress appropriately and avoid saying the wrong thing during the interview. It could be the difference between getting hired and not.

Aside from your qualifications, your body language and appearance can also affect your success in the interview. Before the interview, practice answering questions and researching the company. Ask relevant questions and acknowledge the interviewer’s time during the interview.

Know the Employer

Knowing about the company and the job position you’re interviewing for will help you during the interview.

Work History

Your interview is not a meeting to discuss your resume. Instead, it’s an opportunity for you to tell the interviewer about yourself and how your skills and experience would be a good fit for the company.

Review your work history before the interview to verify everything that you’ve written is accurate.

The Job

Before the interview, spend some time researching the company and the job position. Doing so will allow you to prepare for the questions asked during the interview.


You can also conduct comprehensive research on the company through various sources such as its website, social media, and government resources. Doing so will allow you to connect with the company’s culture and goals.


To improve your interview skills, practice answering questions that employers commonly ask. Doing so will help you feel more confident on the day of your interview.

Practicing will also help keep your answers concise. It can help you manage your responses to questions that could make you defensive.

You Are a Great Asset

You aim to convince the interviewer that you’re the ideal candidate for the job by sharing why you’re the best candidate. Also, make it clear that you are interested in the job.

Verbal communication is crucial. Avoid slang, and make sure you speak clearly and efficiently. Think about your answer to questions before you start talking.

Non-verbal communication is also vital during the interview. It can help you appear more professional and attentive during the process.

First Impressions

Conduct and appearance are essential, as well. Drinking coffee or chewing gum can get you in trouble. Refrain from wearing loud accessories and excessive make-up.

Being ready to make a professional appearance during the interview will positively impact your chances of landing the job. Before planning your outfit, try to learn more about the company’s dress code and culture.

To avoid being late, make sure that you have extra travel time.


Before entering the interview room, ensure you’re focused on the task at hand. While waiting for your turn, avoid using your cell phone or playing loud music.

Getting distracted can be a significant issue during an interview, especially if you face questions requiring responses. Listening carefully to the interviewer’s questions can help you frame the appropriate responses.

This blog was previously published on January 4 at MuhammadBabangida.net



Muhammad Babangida

Muhammad Babangida is a Business Executive based in Nigeria. Education, Security, and Banking. Founder of the El-Amin Polo Club. http://muhammadbabangida.ng/